Фентъзи, хорър, бизаро, тъмна еротика

Завършени разкази и творби в прогрес

10% сюжет, 90% мръсотия

Дисклеймър: Историите ми са художествени и предназначени за зряла публика. Категорично не подкрепям насилие и всякаква форма на дискриминация в реалния живот. Пожелавам на всички читатели безопасно и приятно четене.


her colours gone, her daylight drowned by waves of hate and pain
he broke her spine – is that a crime? his reasoning was plain
she crushed his soul, the fucking whore – a wound he must revenge
it’s not unfair to leave her there to dangle off the edge
with gouged eyes and torn insides and glass shards in her cunt
so she won’t dare a new affair, will dread his anger’s brunt

her light once bright was lost to sight, her spirit black and dead
in night’s warm hold, she paid pain’s toll and stood up stronger yet
the darkness held her inside a shelter and gave her ceaseless strength
now he must fear: payback is near, her bleak wrath at arm’s length
her rage unlocked, she’ll chew his cock off while he screams and pleads
teeth flashing bare, she’ll bite and tear until her grief recedes

so – will he bother to hurt another, when stripped of all his might?
eye for an eye: the only time when two wrongs make a right

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